The Giving Tree
When he established an MBA student fellowship in 1979, William H. Draper III (MBA 1954) probably didn’t imagine the head count of student beneficiaries would eventually climb to 78—a number large enough to lose track of when asked about it. “I wanted to give back to make sure that others have the same wonderful opportunities that I had,” Draper says, summing up the simple yet heartfelt objective that drives so many alumni supporters. The result? A chain of giving that pays forward the life-changing experience of an HBS education. Donors and recipients gathered on campus April 23 to celebrate that legacy, one branch of which is shown below.
William H. Draper III (MBA 1954)
Founding Cochair, Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation
“The case method was a brand-new concept to me. I was on a very steep learning curve, but it was ultimately a rewarding experience because I had to analyze clearly, think logically, and state my ideas succinctly. I believe that the more people I can help get this kind of training, the better our country will be. It’s also important for the School to have a diversified student body.”

Collin Roche (MBA 2000)
Recipient, William H. Draper III (MBA 1954)Scholarship; Managing Director, GTCR Chicago
“My father was a fireman and came from a large family; I was a financial aid kid in college. There is a sense of gratitude and obligation when you’ve benefited from an institution like HBS. I’m very focused on supporting the opportunity that comes through education. I want to help those with talent to have the means to realize their potential.”

Ruth Cenat (MBA 2015)
Recipient, Collin Roche (MBA 2000) Fellowship and Mannion (MBA 1985) Family Fellowship
“This fellowship offers me the ability to continue to dream and pursue things that I wouldn’t be able to if I was in debt. It’s an inspiration, too, because I admire anyone who finds it in themselves to give back to others. That’s the most beautiful gift in the world.”
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