Alumni Book Briefs
Age of Greed: The Triumph of Finance and the Decline of America, 1970 to the Present
by Jeff Madrick (MBA ’71)
This is a history of how greed has bred America’s economic ills over the last 40 years, and of the men most responsible for them. In telling the stories of these politicians, economists, and financiers who declared a moral battle for freedom but instead gave rise to an age of greed, Madrick traces the lineage of some of our nation’s most pressing economic problems.
Those Guys Have All the Fun: Inside the World of ESPN
by James Andrew Miller (MBA ’88) and Tom Shales
(Little, Brown and Company)
Beginning in 1979 as a cable channel televising sporting events in Connecticut, ESPN is arguably now the most successful network in TV history. The authors tell the inside story of this amazing rise, drawing on over 500 interviews with prominent names in ESPN’s history and some of the world’s top athletes. They reveal the secrets behind ESPN’s success and the many scandals, rivalries, and triumphs that have accompanied that ascent. (For more, see Miller’s “My Two Cents” in this issue.)
The Little Black Book of Innovation: How It Works, How to Do It
by Scott D. Anthony (MBA ’01)
(Harvard Business Review Press)
Anthony draws on stories from his research and fieldwork with companies like Procter & Gamble to demystify innovation. He presents a simple definition of innovation, breaks down the essential differences between types of innovation, and illuminates its vital role in organizational success and personal growth. He also provides a 28-day program for mastering innovation’s key steps: finding insight, generating ideas, building businesses, and strengthening innovation prowess in the workforce and organization.
Passion and Purpose: Stories from the Best and Brightest Young Business Leaders
by John Coleman (MPA/MBA ’10), Daniel Gulati (MBA ’11), and W. Oliver Segovia (MBA ’10)
(Harvard Business Review Press)
Recent Harvard MBAs share personal stories about assuming the mantle of leadership in ways unlike previous generations. In candid accounts of their successes and setbacks —from launching start-ups and taking on the family business to helping kids in the Persian Gulf and harnessing new technology and developing clean energy—they reveal how the next generation of ideas, aspirations, and practices is shaping business and redefining leadership around the world.
Do More Than Give: The Six Practices of Donors Who Change the World
by Leslie R. Crutchfield (MBA ’01), John V. Kania, and Mark R. Kramer
The authors show how donors can increase their impact in advancing social causes. Rather than focusing on the mechanics of effective grantmaking, reporting, or evaluation, they discuss topics such as going beyond check writing and traditional volunteering, advocating for change, leveraging business, forging peer networks, empowering individuals, leading adaptively, and developing learning organizations.
The 12 Principles of Manufacturing Excellence: A Leader’s Guide to Achieving and Sustaining Excellence
by Larry E. Fast (PMD 52, 1986)
(Productivity Press)
Fast explains how to implement and sustain a top-down, comprehensive strategy for manufacturing excellence. He provides guidance on cultivating the right culture through leadership and mentoring and on achieving organization alignment, both vertically and horizontally, across the entire structure of the organization. He also gives readers a method for tracking progress—plant by plant and function by function.
Minority Business Success: Refocusing on the American Dream
by Leonard Greenhalgh and James H. Lowry (PMD 25, 1973)
(Stanford University Press)
After summarizing demographic changes in America and showing why it’s in the national interest to foster the survi-val, prosperity, and growth of minority-owned businesses, the authors outline why these businesses are vital to solving current economic troubles and explain what minority firms must do to take their place in major value chains. They then examine what governments, corporations, and support organizations ought to be doing to foster minority inclusion.
Accounting Ethics and the Near Collapse of the World’s Financial System
by Michael Pakaluk and Mark Cheffers (MBA ’90)
(Allen David Press)
Filled with case studies, anecdotes, examples, and historical reflections, this book raises key questions like: Did accounting irregularities help provoke the recent financial crisis? What character traits mark a good accounting professional? Is altruism inherent in accountancy as a profession?
Charles P. Berolzheimer: Teacher, Linguist, Traveler, Scientist
by Junius Rochester (PMD 34, 1977)
(Tommie Press)
This is a detailed biography of Charles Berolzheimer, who in 1927 bought the California Cedar Products Company. In 1969, the company brought out the Duraflame firelog, made from the sawdust created by mill-ing cedar slats to make pencils.
Work, Love, Pray: Practical Wisdom for Young Professional Christian Women
by Diane Paddison (MBA ’85)
The number of Christian women in today’s professional workforce is increasing, and they are eager for practical mentoring by someone who has become successful without sacrificing family or faith, something that Paddison has accomplished with excellence and grace. She shares instructive stories about her corporate, personal, and spiritual life and the lives of other women like her, providing advice and concrete examples of how to succeed without feeling overwhelmed or compromised.
How to Lose Friends and Irritate People: The First Satirical Self-Help Book to Lead You to Failure
by Daniel Barach (MBA ’88B)
China's Management Revolution: Spirit, Land, Energy
by Charles-Edouard Bouée (MBA ’95D)
(Palgrave McMillan)
Beyond the Corporation: Humanity at Work
by David Erdal (MBA ’81D)
(Bodley Head)
When the Penny Drops: Learning What’s Not Taught
by R. Gopalakrishnan (AMP 115, 1994)
(Penguin Books)
Internal Control of Fixed Assets: A Controller and Auditor’s Guide
by Alfred M. King (MBA ’59)
China Fortunes: A Tale of Business in the New World (a novel)
by John D. Kuhns (MBA ’77A)
The Two-Second Advantage: How We Succeed by Anticipating the Future—Just Enough
by Vivek Ranadive (MBA ’83B) and Kevin Maney
(Crown Business)
Put Your Mindset to Work: The One Asset You Really Need to Win and Keep the Job You Love
by James Reed (MBA ’90) and Paul G. Stoltz
(Portfolio Trade)
Good Strategy Bad Strategy: The Difference and Why It Matters
by Richard Rumelt (DBA ’72)
(Crown Business)
Cash Is King: Investing in REIT Preferreds to Generate Long-Term Income
by Simon Wadsworth (MBA ’73C)
Walk Out Walk On: A Learning Journey into Communities Daring to Live the Future Now
by Margaret Wheatley and Deborah Frieze (MBA ’98D)
(Berrett-Koehler Publishers)
Capturing New Markets: How Smart Companies Create Opportunities Others Don't
by Stephen Wunker (MBA ’96B)
(McGraw Hill)
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