Through the years, a number of Harvard Business Review articles written by Harvard Business School faculty and others have risen to “classics” status – articles that are so groundbreaking in their scope or elemental in their perspective that they help form the core of modern business thinking and practice.

As an exclusive benefit for HBS alumni, 77 of these HBR Classics are now available for free downloading. Please browse the collection below; login is required. Just click on a title to read online or download the case to your computer or smart device. (For login assistance, visit our help page.)

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Change Management

A survival Guide for Leaders, Ronald A. Heifetz and Marty Linsky
Cracking the Code of Change, Michael Beer and Nitin Nohria
Leading Change - Why Transformation Efforts Fail, John P. Kotter
Tipping Point Leadership, W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne
Global Collaboration

Are you a Collaborative Leader Herminia Ibarra and Morten T. Hansen
Managing Multicultural Teams, Jeanne Brett, Kristin Behfar, and Mary C. Kern
The Art of Truly Developing Global Leaders, Beth Brooke
Mentoring and Coaching

Coaching the Alpha Male, Kate Ludeman, Eddie Erlandson
Why Mentoring Matters in a Hypercompetitive World, Thomas J. DeLong, John J. Gabarro, Robert J. Lees
Wild West of Executive Coaching, Stratford Sherman, Alyssa Freas
Motivating Others

Employee Motivation
Moving Mountains
One More Time
Negotiating with and Persuading Others

Necessary Art of Persuasion
Negotiating with Emotion
Why Dick and Jane Don't Ask

Building the Emotional Intelligence of Groups, Vanessa Urch Druskat and Steven B. Wolff
Virtuoso Teams, Bill Fischer and Andy Boynton
When Teams Cant Decide, Bob Frisch

Telling Tales, Stephen Denning
The Five Messages Leaders Must Manage, John Hamm
The Power of Talk, Deborah Tannen
Transforming Corner - Office Strategy into Frontline Action

Conquering a Culture of Indecision, Ram Charan
Stop Making Plans Start Making Decisions, Michael Mankins and Richard Steele
The Hidden Traps in Decision Making, John S. Hammond, Ralph L. Keeney and Howard Riaffa
Who Has the D, Paul Rogers and Marcia Blenko
Ethical Leadership

Ethical Leadership and the Dual Roles of Examples
Ethical Leadership and the Psychology of Decision-Making
Moral Person and Moral Manager
Personal Leadership

Discovering Your Authentic Leadership, Bill George, Peter Sims, Andrew N. McLean, and Diana Myer
Do You Play to Win or Not Lose, Heidi Grant Halvorson, E. Tory Higgins
Level 5 Leadership - The Triumph of Humility and Fierce Resolve, Jim Collins
Seven Transformations of Leadership, David Rooke and William Torbert
Social Intelligence and the Biology of Leadership, Daniel Goleman and Richard Boyatzis
Persuasive Presentations
Harnessing the Science of Persuasion, Robert B. Cialdini
HBR Guide to Persuasive Presentations, by Nancy Duarte
How to Become an Authentic Speaker, Nick Morgan

Leadership Team - Complementary Strengths or Competing Agendas, Stephen A. Miles, Michael D. Watkins
Picking the Right Transition Strategy, Michael D. Watkins
Seven Transformations of Personal Leadership, David Rooke, William R. Torbet
Work Life Balance

Embracing the Whole Individual
Five Ways to Boost Retention
The Flexibility Stigma