Terms of Use
Terms of Use
Harvard Business School has provided a suite of alumni services through its Alumni Website for the benefit of the HBS community. Services exclusive to the HBS community are protected by HBS Login and require a username and password. These services and expected behavior are outlined below. Alumni are encouraged to review the Alumni Website Privacy Policy, Alumni Website Terms of Use, and the Harvard Alumni Terms of Use prior to use. Alumni are also encouraged to review the School’s Community Values statement.
Alumni Profile & Directory
Alumni profile information listed in the HBS Alumni Directory is available to HBS alumni, HBS alumni clubs and other HBS alumni organizations, faculty, staff, and students, pursuant to privacy settings chosen by individual alumni participants. Data in the alumni directory may include, as determined by alumni participants: contact information, employment history, interests, and education history and map information (see below). Alumni information visible in the Reunion Profile Book is available to HBS alumni in your class as well as HBS staff, pursuant to privacy settings chosen by the individual alumni participants. Data in the Reunion Profile Book may include, as determined by alumni participants: contact information, employment history, reunion photo and reunion narrative. Alumni also are also able to see their own history with HBS as it relates to giving, event attendance, and volunteer participation. Privacy preferences are applied to all alumni directory searches to enable alumni to choose the level of detail they wish to share with fellow alumni. The HBS Alumni Directory is intended for alumni's personal use only, as well as communication between the School and its alumni. Use of the Directory for any commercial, public, or political purposes (including sale, solicitation, promotion, market research, surveying, etc.) is strictly prohibited.
Maps may be generated within the alumni directory using Google Maps. These maps honor the privacy preferences selected by alumni participants. For example, alumni who have selected to share only a portion of an address will still be displayed on the map, however, the exact location will not be discernible.
Alumni use of the new map feature is also subject to Google's Terms of service and Google's policy on Privacy.
Alumni Messaging Service
The Alumni Messaging Service has been provided to facilitate alumni-to-alumni communication, as well as communication between the School and its alumni. Alumni may send messages to their class, section, or a smaller group of alumni of shared interest, industry, geography or other division obtained through the filtering tools of the Alumni Directory. It is also available as a more private and secure replacement of the the HBS email link. Alumni are able to opt-out of and opt-into categories of message purposes, which guide the nature of the contact and these purposes are maintained in the preferences tab of the Alumni Profile.
The use of the Alumni Messaging Service online tool is intended for personal use only. Use of this tool for any commercial, public or political purpose is strictly prohibited. This applies particularly to the use of any information for private or public solicitations beyond that which is pursued in the interest of the Harvard Business School or its alumni organizations.
Commenting on Stories
Harvard Business School provides the opportunity for readers to express opinions and comments on the alumni website. Commenting is permitted for registered users, according to the following Terms of Use (for the complete Terms, see the Alumni Website Terms of Use). The views and opinions expressed by users are theirs alone, and are not endorsed by and should not be ascribed to Harvard Business School or Harvard University. Users may not defame, harass, or threaten people or entities. Harvard Business School reserves the right to edit, remove, delete, or refuse without notice to users any user content that does not meet the standards set by the Alumni Website Terms of Use.
HBS Email Address and Username
HBS has provided you with an email address so that you can stay better connected with the School and with your classmates. The same HBS email address (formerly LEFA) is used as your HBS username and can also be used to forward email to your preferred email address. You may opt-out of using email forwarding service, however, you will need to use your HBS username to access password protected portions of the Alumni Website, such as Alumni Directory. HBS email addresses are not intended for purposes of promotion or solicitation and should not be used as official business addresses or for financial communications.
HBS is capable of determining misuse of the Alumni Profile & Directory, the Alumni Messaging Service, and the HBS email system. In the case of misuse, HBS reserves the right to deactivate and/or terminate a graduate's HBS email address or access to HBS online services.