Jill Huggett is the CEO & Founder of Bridgepath Career Advisors, LLC, a full-service career management firm, an Expert Content Contributor for Forbes.com, and an HBS Career Coach. She specializes in propelling people forward in their careers, and recently joined the HBS alumni community to host a webinar on resumes. We asked Jill to answer a few questions related to her presentation, to assist you all as you navigate the job search process.

What is your #1 tip for writing a strong resume that will stand out amongst the competition?

Focus on accomplishments. Hiring managers want to know how you can help their business. Therefore, stating what you’ve done with your previous companies will act as proof points. Many people feel the need to list all of their tasks and responsibilities. When a resume is written this way, it reads like a job description. And let’s face it, a job description is not an enjoyable read. However, stories are a great read. Your accomplishments are stories that illustrate specific projects and successful endeavors. The reader will digest your resume much better if you focus the majority of your content on you accomplishments.

What is the biggest misconception/mistake people have about writing their resume?

Many people think that templates don’t matter. This couldn’t be further from the truth. It is commonly known that you only have one chance to make a first impression. Your template is your first impression. The reality is that a hiring manager only spends 6-10 seconds looking at your resume on their first look, and 30 seconds the second time. If you want to make it to the second look, your templates can help you stand out amongst the competition, and ensure that your resume lands a second and third look, which is when hiring managers typically take a few minutes to thoroughly review the content. Ms. Huggett suggests a template that looks polished, is easy to navigate and avoids using graphs and charts. A traditional looking template is still the best received.

What resources would you recommend alumni utilize when looking to redo/write their resume?

HBS alumni have a variety of resources available to help in the process of writing or updating a resume. Ms. Huggett recommends working with a professional, such as an HBS career coach or a specialized firm like hers. Additionally, HBS provides a variety of resources for alumni as they navigate their job search, many of which are outlined on the Resume & Cover letter page on our alumni website. Additionally, resources such as VMock provide a great first review of your resume and instant results.

Any advice for navigating a job search in the current climate – how can candidates really stand out amongst the crowd and foster connections despite being remote?

Keep active. Don’t wait until the pandemic is over. While some industries have been hit hard by the pandemic, some are thriving. The job market has remained active throughout the pandemic. Networking is your #1 key to getting a new job. Have one on one conversations with many people and utilize video meetings when possible. No conversation is a waste. Through networking, you will uncover many opportunities that are not posted to the general public, get the inside scoop of what the company or hiring manager is looking for, and determine if it is the right culture fit for you. Networking plays a major role in securing a role. Ms. Huggett suggests that 75% of your job search efforts should be spent on networking.